Executive Head Teacher's Welcome

Welcome to Jakeman Nursery School. Thank you for considering us as the provider of your child's care and early education. We offer early years provision for children aged between 2 and 5 years of age, ahead of their admission to local primary schools.

Jakeman is 1 of 9 Local Authority Nursery Schools that form the Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools and 1 of 27 within the City of Birmingham. We offer both FREE (Local Authority funded) and paid for places to children of 2-5 years of age. Our provisions are run by a shared leadership team of fully qualified teachers (QTS) and early years professionals.

We pride ourselves on offering a welcoming, happy, safe and stimulating environment for you and your child. Each age group benefits from purpose built premises and extensive outdoor grounds, in which children can grow, play and learn together.

We typically draw children from Moseley, Edgbaston, Balsall Heath, Highgate, Sparkhill, Sparkbrook and throughout South and Central Birmingham. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements or to arrange a visit.

If you have any questions or queries, please ask to speak to myself or the Nursery Manager, Janine Maidment.

Best wishes,

Sam Richards
Executive Head Teacher

Jakeman Nursery School

Jakeman Road,
Balsall Heath,
B12 9NX
Executive Head Teacher - Samantha Richards
Nursery Manager - Janine Maidment

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm (term time only)

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 440 3066
Email: enquiry@jakeman.bham.sch.uk
Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools logo

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