About Jakeman Nursery School

A place where we believe every child is unique

At Jakeman Nursery School we are here to welcome, support and listen. We aim to provide a range of services to create better outcomes for all children and families in our local community. The whole centre is focused on helping in any way it can, our doors are open to everyone and of course, to every child.

At Jakeman, we believe children are never going to be more fully engaged in their learning than when they pursue their own ideas and interests. As children explore their thoughts, they develop creative and critical thinking skills; invent a sense of themselves, others and the environment and world around them.
Children at Jakeman lead their learning; our highly skilled staff supporting them in developing new skills, ideas and concepts through incorporating questions, research and challenge.
Adults plan 'provocations' in the environment that combine elements of key skills, that are underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.
At Jakeman we pride ourselves on preparing children for life in modern Britain, with a sound knowledge of British values and how they can become valuable and outstanding citizens.

Please click here to view the Birmingham Curriculum Statement to which we subscribe.

Feel free to pop in or call us and see how we can support your child and family.
"By the time they leave school, children have acquired the early reading, writing, mathematical, physical, personal and social skills they need to ensure they are ready to move onto primary school." Ofsted 2016
Quality Early Experiences
Jakeman Nursery School is well-known for the exceptional levels of care and support provided to our children. We welcome children from across South and Central Birmingham.

Jakeman Nursery School

Jakeman Road,
Balsall Heath,
B12 9NX
Executive Head Teacher - Samantha Richards
Nursery Manager - Janine Maidment

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm (term time only)

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 440 3066
Email: enquiry@jakeman.bham.sch.uk
Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools logo

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